Friday 12 July 2013

How to maximize study time efficiency

Nowadays, the daily study schedule for many young college- and university students could easily compete with several top level executives and ministers work schedules. With on-campus activities and work study programs taking up much of the student’s time, when do they actually get to focus on their studies? Much too often students get overwhelmed with the huge amount of work that still waits for action at the end of the day, week and semester. College and university students often look at study time as being one big sum and get easily distracted and mentally exhausted before they even start to do their homework. In order to solve this problem, it may seem difficult to change daily schedules, so instead we should place a larger focus on study techniques that can actually enhance effectiveness and efficiency.

Below are three  proven effective study techniques that will help any student, whether in high school, college, university or online study course to maximize their available study time, to reap better results from the little time there is to focus on the actual studying work..

Start by separating and segmenting study time: Break it up!
Break the actual study time up into smaller bits and pieces. It doesn’t matter much how brilliant of a student you are... A concentrated attention span (the average mind focus timespan) lasts only about 20 to 30 minutes. So what you need to do is to break your two or four hours of total daily study time up into 20 minute sessions. Take a 10 minute break in between your sessions during which you stand up, walk around a bit, get something to to eat or drink (preferably “brain-power foods and drinks”!) and then get back to your desk for another 20 minutes of mind-focussed, quality study time. This method not only helps you to create “spaced repetition”, which is quite vital for retention, but as well helps  you to make study sessions less demanding, less stressful and less daunting. See it like this, if you want to climb the Mount Everest it may well seems like an impossible task, but if you could cut it in eight pieces, less high and less steep... Well, then it’s far more easy to accomplish!

Random practice
Another great and effective tool to help you maximize your available study time: To use random practice. When you review lists, data, ideas or concepts don’t go in exact order. Skip around and in effect force your mind to pull from an entire group of information. This helps you in understanding the purposes and meanings behind your study subject, instead of just its place in line. It also encourages your brain to think “out of the box” which is very useful in the process of actually understanding the subject thoroughly. The simplest way to implement random practice is by studying together with a classmate. Everyone interprets things in a different way, and by getting to know a slightly different interpretation you can enhance your own understanding about the study material in great ways. Which brings me to:

Sometimes it’s better to study together
When possible at all, it can be very beneficial to study with another student who shares the same classes and mental capabilities. A study partner like one of your class mates can be able to help you to identify areas of weakness and ensure at the same time that study topics don’t get skipped or underappreciated. It’s also quite beneficial to witness how another student takes in information, how he or she stores and processes the study material. For this reason and a few important other ones, it is better for the study partner to be another student from the samr class. You may even find it beneficial sometimes to ask a more senior level student to help you with subjects you find difficult to graspo. Parent don’t be afraid to fill this position as well. The progress gained from working with a partner in general is extremely worth it! But focus on the study material and don’t fool around... After all, study is a very serious thing and the little time you have for it should be dedicated fully to absorb and understand your subjects!

Efficient and proper study techniques, that make effective use of the little time available are very beneficial and will follow a student through all levels of education and learning. Even after college or university it will help you to be more productive in less amountt of time. Establishing effective and efficient study habits and skill sets, no matter how little or insignificant these may seem at the time, will prove to reap great rewards in the long run. When possible study together and focus your attention in groups of 20 minutes on the subject matter only. Don’t get distracted, try to breath in different viewpoints from your study partner and most of all, make it a little exciting for yourself... Being bored during study time doesn’t excite your brain to learn!


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